- 75 new and original technical presentations
- Applications of structural health monitoring to civil engineering, buildings, bridges, aircraft, and machinery
- Important new information on sensors, monitoring, prognosis, networking, and planning for safety and maintenance
- Sponsored by the National Science Foundation, the U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research, and the Army Research Office
Structural Health Monitoring 2003
From Diagnosis & Prognostics to Structural Health Management
Fu-Kuo Chang, Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Stanford University
ISBN13: 978-1-932078-20-6, 1-932078-20-7, September 2003, 1,552 pages, 6×9, Hardcover
- Random Vibration Response Testing of PVDF Gages for Long-span Bridge Monitoring
- Health Monitoring Framework for Bridges and Civil Infrastructure
- Engineering Tools for Infrastructure Condition Forecasting
- Evaluation of Corrosion Damage in Steel Reinforced Concrete
- SHM System of a Riveted Steel Truss Bridge
- Self-Diagnosis of Concrete Beams Reinforced with Hybrid CFRP Rods
- Bootstrap Analysis of Long-Term Global and Local Deformation Measurements
- Evaluating the Health of Composite Military Bridges
- Encapsulation Techniques for FBGs and Smart Monitoring for Bridges with FBG Sensors
- Monitoring the Operations, Security and SH of Major Long-Span Bridge Hyper-Systems
- Fractal Interpolation Method for Entropy Analysis of Chaotic Structural Response Data
- A Vision for Highway Bridges for the 21st Century
- Homeland Security and Emergency Management at Metro Areas
- Recent Installations of Real-Time SM Systems
- Highly Multiplexed Fiber Optic Sensors for Civil Infrastructure Monitoring
- In-Service Performance and Analytical Investigations of an FRP Superstructure
- Embedding Fiber Optic Strain Sensors in FR Composites
- Monitoring Bridge Decks Reinforced with FRP Bars
- Development/Implementation of a Continuous Monitoring System on a Concrete Box Girder Bridge
- NDE to Identify Structural Health of Prestressed Concrete Bridges
- Benefits by the Application of SHM Systems on Civil Transport Aircraft
- Multiplexing Technology for AE Monitoring of Aerospace Vehicles
- Damage Detection on a Large Composite Structure
- An Integrated Health Monitoring System for an Ageless Aerospace Vehicle
- Direct Updating Techniques Applied to Damage Detection in Spacecraft Equipment Panel
- Study of the Advanced Load and Usage Monitoring System Using Optical Glass Fiber for a Helicopter Rotor System
- Maintenance Flexibility Through SHM: Examples on EADS Products
- Intelligent and Integrated Health Management System (I2H) on Reusable Launch Vehicles
- SHM of Composite Patch Repairs Using Two-Dimensional-Wavelet Maps
- Triangulation Algorithm for Damage Location in Aeronautical Composite Structures
- Mixed-Experimental-Numerical Method for Damage Identification Using Smart Piezoelectric Transducers
- Localization and Sizing of Discontinuities Using Lamb-Waves
- An Electric Potential-Based SHM Technique Using Neural Networks
- A Wavelet Based Algorithm for Detecting Damage
- Damage Detection in Reduced Order Models of Linear Structural Systems
- Full Scale Laboratory Tests for the Improvement of Long Term Monitoring Systems
- Numerical and Experimental Investigation of Lamb Wave Interaction with Discontinuities
- Experimental Application of Optimized Lamb Wave Actuating/Sensing Patches for Health Monitoring of Composite Structures
- The Role of Excitation in Attractor-Based SHM
- SHM Using Time-Domain Residual Generator Technique
- Nondestructive Identification of the Mechanical Response of Engineering Materials
- Behavior Of Damaged Piezoelectric Sensors/Actuators by the Novel Special Finite Element
- Observation on Environmental Variability of Modal Properties of a Cable-Stayed Bridge
- Normalization of Modes in Operational Modal Analysis
- Eight-Node EAS Solid-Shell Element Applied to Model Smart Structures with Distributed Piezoelectric Sensors/Actuators Including Debonding
- Tracing the Behavior of a Bridge Using Time Series Modeling
- Using Novel Sensors in SHM of Civil Infrastructure
- Optimization of Time Domain Models Applied to SHM
- Experimental Verification of Wavelet-Based Structural Damage Identification Method
- Stiffness and Damage Identification with Model Reduction Technique
- Neural Network Method Based on a New Damage Signature for On-Line SHM
- Ball Bearing Early Fault Detection Using Wavelet Analysis
- Damage Location Identification via Select Feedback Probing
- Load Redistribution Due to Damage in a Large Moment Frame
- Wavelet Based Analysis for Detecting Delamination in Composite Plates
- Uncertainty Quantification and Model Validation for Damage Prognosis
- Physics Based Damage Modeling of Laminated Composite Plates
- Sensing System Development for Damage Prognosis
- Detection and Monitoring of Incipient Cracks
- Damage Detection of Structures Based on Spectral Methods Using Piezoelectric Materials
- A Tracking Technique For Parametric Identification of Nonlinear Structures
- Detection of Fastener Preload Loss in a Hybrid Composite-to-Metal Bolted Joint
- Structural Damage Characterization through Beamforming with Phased Arrays
- Substructure Damage Detection by Principal Component Analysis
- Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm Methodology for Optimizing Sensor Layouts to Enhance Structural Damage Identification
- Imaging of Multiple Damages in a Composite Plate by Prestack Reverse-Time Migration Technique
- Extracting Instantaneous Phase Features for SHM
- Damage Detection in Structural Components from Vibration and Wave Propagation Data
- Characterization of Delamination in Using Damage Indices
- Damage Identification of One-Dimensional Structures Based on Traveling Wave Transfer Functions
- The Impact of Natural Frequency Variation on Damage Detection Guided-Wave SHM of Piping in Processing Plants
- Is Temperature Measurement Essential in SHM?
- Identification of Instantaneous Modal Parameters of Time-Varying Systems Using Wavelet Approach
- Damage Detection and Localization by Statistical Comparison of Response Time Histories
- Damages Monitoring in CFRP Laminated Composites Using Dynamic Measurements
- Support Vector Machine Based Active Damage Detection Method
- Remote Readiness Asset Prognostic and Diagnostic System Near-Term Applications
- Damage Detection in Metallic Structures Using Laser Acousto-Ultrasonics
- A Signal-Based Approach for the Identification of Nonlinear Structural Dynamic System
- Multivariate Statistical Analysis of Monitoring Data for Large Constructed Facilities
- Improved Identification Method of Impact Force Acting on CFRP Laminated Plates
- Control of Damage Dependent Online Reliability Characteristics to Extend System Utilization
- Advanced Health Monitoring and Damage Repair Technologies Using Shape Memory Alloys
- Strain Gauge Capabilities in Crack Detection
- Improving the Structural Testing of Wind Turbine Blades by Monitoring AE
- Automated Notification of Structural Damage for Structural Health Management Using AE Detection
- Embedded Microcontroller Based Networked Measurement and Analysis System with Strain Gages Tailored to Fatigue Crack Detection
- Embedded Fibre Bragg Gratings for Damage Detection in Composites
- Integrated Imaging Ultrasound SWISS
- Installation of the Autonomous Structural Integrity Monitoring System
- Health Monitoring of Sandwich Plates with Real Impact Damages Using PZT Devices
- Integrated Sensing in Structural Composites
- Real-Time Seismic Monitoring Needs of a Building Owner and the Solution
- Prognostic System for Microstructural-Based Reliability
- Evaluation of the Performances of the HELP-Layer® SHM System Using both DPSM Simulations and Experiments
- TCP/IP Based Remote Measurement System for SHM of Civil Infrastructures
- Remote Opto-Acoustic Sensors for Structural Integrity and Health Monitoring of Systems
- NDE Technique Utilizing Embedded Thermal Fiber Optic Sensors
- Extending Nanoscale Self-Assembly to Macroscopic Structural Materials
- SHM Using Optical Fibre Strain Sensing Systems
- Health Monitoring of Concrete Structures Using Embedded MEMS
- Fatigue Monitoring and Adaptive Damage Tolerance Using Embedded Eddy-Current Sensor Arrays
- Usage of Multi-Axis Fiber Grating Strain Sensors to Support NDE of Composite Parts and Adhesive Bond Lines
- A Dual-Stiffness Sensor for Health Prognostics of Structures
- Wireless Strain Sensor Based on Resonant RF Cavities
- Self-Sensing of Impact Damage in Carbon FR Polymers by Means of Electrical Potential Changes
- A New Method for the Multiplexing of Fiber Optic Bragg Sensor Arrays
- Detection of Orientation and Predicted Performance of a MEMS Absolute Angle Measuring Gyroscope
- An Active Fiber Continuous Sensor
- Development of a High Sensitivity Accelerometer for the Mica Platform
- New Designs of Fiber-Optical Sensors in SHM
- High-Speed Swept-Laser Interrogation System for Vibration Monitoring
- Opportunities for Magneto-Elastic Sensors for Corrosion Monitoring of Bridges
- Comparative Characterization of Low-g Capacitive MEMS Accelerometers
- Nanotechnology, MEMS and NEMS Based Complex Adaptive Smart Devices and Systems
- NiTi-FR Concrete with Damage Monitoring Capability
- A New Approach for Detecting Strain in FBG Sensor by a Silicon Based Etalon Filter
- Identification of Stress Field Using Piezoelectric Patch as Actuators and Sensors
- Monitoring Degradation Chemistries of Infrastructural Materials
- A High Frequency Broadband Optic Fibre Sensor System for SHM
- A Low-Cost Fiber Optic AE Sensor for Damage Detection in Engineering Composite Materials and Structure
- Cracks and Delamination Detection in Composite Laminates using Embedded Fiber Optic Sensors
- Application of Self-Diagnosis Materials to SHM for RC Slabs
- Development of an Elastomeric Actuator Development of a New Fiber-Optic Acoustic/Vibration Sensor: Principle, Sensor Performance, Applicability to Health
- Monitoring and Characteristic at Elevated Temperature
- Concepts and Development of Bio-Inspired Distributed Embedded Wired/Wireless Sensor Array Architectures for Acoustic Wave Sensing in Integrated Aerospace Vehicles
- Development of an Inclinometer Chain for Wireless Data Acquisition
- Power-Efficient Data Management for a Wireless SM System
- Tuning the Frequency Band of a Wireless Sensor Network
- Self Organizing Wireless Sensor Networks for SHM
- An Enhanced Statistical Damage Detection Algorithm Using Time Series Analysis
- Civil Structure Strain Monitoring with Power-Efficient, High-Speed Wireless Sensor Networks
- Cure Monitoring Using Networks of Piezoceramic Transducers
- Using Low-Cost Low-Power Wireless Sensor Devices to Monitor the Health of Structures
- Implementation of a Low-Cost, Distributed, Absolute Time Reference in an Application Dedicated to Damage Detection
- Robotic and Mobile Sensor Systems for SHM
- Improved Statistical Classifier for Identifying Signal Discontinuities Using Holder Exponents
- Comparison of Short-Time Fourier Transform and Wavelet Transform of Transient and Tone Burst Wave Propagation Signals for SHM
- A Kalman Filter Approach to the Detection of Structural Damage
- Acoustic Chaos in Sonic Infrared Imaging of Cracks in Aerospace Components
- An Artificial Central Nervous System for SHM of Orthotropic Materials
- A Signal Processing and Interpretation Technique for Lamb Wave-Based Damage
- Diagnosis Using Digital Damage Fingerprints Extracted from an Actuator/Sensor Network
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