- Methods of synthesizing distributions
- Methods of determining the failure governing stress and strength distributions
- Quantification of the Reliability and Unreliability of components and structural members using the modern failure governing stress and strength distributions interference approach
- A unified look at the concepts of safety factors, safety margins and the designed-in Reliability
- Special methods, including Monte Carlo simulation, to predict the Reliability of mechanical components and structures
- The process of Failure Modes, Effects and Criticality Analysis (FAMECA)
- Numerous examples of applications and guidelines for the implementation of the EDBR methodology
This new book is the first to provide an advanced methodology to achieve optimum designed-in reliability of products and components. All steps are clearly illustrated by worked practical examples. Specific applications feature mechanical components and structural members widely used today. The implementation of this methodology will enable the engineer to design products and components with superior reliability, maintainability, safety, and value.